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dusk to dawn

Showing 1–12 of 13 results

1500 L/H Pump

Water Feature Pump - 1500 L/H - mains powered

Our best range of pumps for powering water features. They come in a wide range of sizes and the design of the pump does vary depending on the litres per hour (LPH) of the pump. These pumps are supplied without fountainheads or other accessories.

Please note - Max Delivery Head is the maximum height the water will reach if it's going up a pipe. This is based on the pipe being 1" in diameter.

Maximum Performance Maximum Delivery Head Power Consumption Outlet Hosetail Size Multi Size Hosetail Cable Length Dimensions

1500 L/H

2.5 Metres 20 watts 1/2" , 5/8" , 3/4" Yes (3/4" and 1") 10m

2000 L/H Pump

Water Feature Pump - 750 L/H - mains powered

Our best range of pumps for powering water features. They come in a wide range of sizes and the design of the pump does vary depending on the litres per hour (LPH) of the pump. These pumps are supplied without fountainheads or other accessories.

Please note - Max Delivery Head is the maximum height the water will reach if it's going up a pipe. This is based on the pipe being 1" in diameter.

Maximum Performance Maximum Delivery Head Power Consumption Outlet Hosetail Size Multi Size Hosetail Cable Length Dimensions

2000 L/H

Yes (3/4" and 1") 10m

3 to 1 connector with connecting cable

      This is a 1 to 3 pipe connector allows you to run up to 3 lights at once. It comes in two lengths 3m and 12m depending on the size of your feature. There is also an extension cable of 6m avaliable.
Out Of Stock

3000 L/H Pump

Water Feature Pump - 3000L/H - mains powered

Our best range of pumps for powering water features. They come in a wide range of sizes and the design of the pump does vary depending on the litres per hour (LPH) of the pump. These pumps are supplied without fountainheads or other accessories.

Please note - Max Delivery Head is the maximum height the water will reach if it's going up a pipe. This is based on the pipe being 1" in diameter. 

Maximum Performance Maximum Delivery HeadPower Consumption Outlet Hosetail Size Multi Size Hosetail Cable Length Dimensions 

3000 L/H

3.5 metres high20 watts1/2" , 3/4" and 1inch Yes (3/4" and 1") 10 metre outdoor cable 

450 L/H Pump

Water Feature Pump - 450L/H - mains powered

Our best range of pumps for powering water features. They come in a wide range of sizes and the design of the pump does vary depending on the litres per hour (LPH) of the pump. These pumps are supplied without fountainheads or other accessories.

Maximum Performance Maximum Delivery HeadPower Consumption Outlet Hosetail Size Multi Size Hosetail Cable Length Dimensions 

450 L/H

Yes (3/4" and 1") 10m 

750 L/H Pump

Water Feature Pump - 750 L/H - mains powered

Our best range of pumps for powering water features. They come in a wide range of sizes and the design of the pump does vary depending on the litres per hour (LPH) of the pump. These pumps are supplied without fountainheads or other accessories.

Please note - Max Delivery Head is the maximum height the water will reach if it's going up a pipe. This is based on the pipe being 1" in diameter.

Maximum Performance Maximum Delivery Head Power Consumption Outlet Hosetail Size Multi Size Hosetail Cable Length Dimensions

750 L/H

Yes (3/4" and 1") 10m

Solar pump 1560LH

Our solar power pump will pump 980LH to 1560LH by turning it up or down depending how much power you need, plenty of power to run any of our water features. Our solar pump has its own battery pack so in stead of its just running as and when. It charges up the battery pack, so you can run it whenever you would like. Whether its all day long or switching it on in the long summer evening to hear the relaxing sounds of water long into the night. The pump comes with a nozzer set, so can be placed into a pond or reservoir for a stunning instant water feature which even oxygenates the water in a pond perfect for fish ponds and koi pools to give the fish a high level of oxygen.

Showing 1–12 of 13 results